
TEDx Maitighar 2019

Tireless Striving

April 6, 2019 |  St. Xavier’s College, Matighar

Theme: Tireless Striving

Seldom is anything possible without an unquenchable desire for accomplishment and an endless supply of work effort. Struggling and striving to attain our goals is what we live for.

In the stream of life, we all fall; it’s up to us to decide whether to continue or quit. It’s not just about defying the odds but also the unwavering willpower and audacity that set individuals apart.

The theme ‘Tireless Striving’ encapsulates the struggles and sensations encountered during the journey towards successful glory of life.

TEDx Maitighar 2019 proudly presents the theme ‘Tireless Striving,’ encapsulating the relentless pursuit of goals. Happening for the first time, this event brings together a dynamic lineup of speakers and performers who embody this theme through their exceptional journeys and unwavering determination.

Speakers Srijan Timilsina, Juliana Shrestha, Rastra Bimochan Timilsina, Arthur Carmazzi, Aman Pratap Adhikari, Shamsher Thapa, Asheem Man Singh Basnyat, Aastha Rajyalaxmi Karki, and Sajit Chandra Shakya shared their stories of perseverance and resilience. They delved into the challenges and triumphs that have defined their paths, offering inspiration to all. Accompanied by captivating performances from Taranga, MARS Dance, and Bidhya Tiwari, this event showcased the essence of ‘Tireless Striving.’

Glimpse of TEDxMaitighar 2019

A showcase of innovative ideas and inspiring stories from TEDxMaitighar 2019, highlighting the event’s most memorable moments.

Video of TEDxMaitighar 2019

A showcase of innovative ideas and inspiring stories from TEDxMaitighar 2021, highlighting the event’s most memorable moments.

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